Forums - Strider/Doom Fine Tuning Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Strider/Doom Fine Tuning ( Posted by Azn Bomber on 04:02:2001 05:50 AM: I need help just to fine tune my Strider/Doom trap. It's great once you get it started, but that's the main problem. How do you other players build meter with him to start up his Orbs? I've heard about Omega Red as a battery, but his assists aren't that helpful and when I play Omega, I find without Cable/Cyc, he just isn't as effective. (IMO) Also, the Strider/Doom trap is to be played patiently right? I sometimes play him way too agressively and getting him killed early (meaning I either lose or have some big catching up to do in the match). [Anyone else have this problem?] So throughout the match, what is your main focus of using Strider (everything besides the lockdown)? Also, what are some good strats to use against Cable? I haven't had a chance to test out 3pwood's Bird --> Orbs strat, but it looks to me that it should work. Finally, what's some good characters to throw into the Strider/Doom trap? This team lacks an AAA, which is almost essential, unless one would like to get raped by Mags and Storms. Here's a few I thought bout and seen + my opinions: BH- Helps control the air, which allows Strider to lockdown even further. Doom/BH or BH/Doom can be used once Strider is dead or healing. Cap Com- Controls the air, and has a great AAA (allowing you to get out of bad situations and to clear out assists from a distance). I think BH is better than Cap Com as an active character, so is he really worth it to throw in a team when compared to BH? Cable- Cable can handle a lot and with a Doom assist, he can do some heavy chip dmg. His AAA can help you get out of trouble but is no where as handy as BH/Cap Com as an assist. Also, does Strider consume too much meter for him to be of any use?? Still, Cable = AHVBx3 and is a great addition to almost any team. Omega Red- Great Battery, average assists, but is this enough to let you throw him in a team (IMO, not really). Psylocke- FAST AAA and allows OTG's, and isn't 1/2 bad as the active character. I don't think she's worth it, but she may have her uses??? Thanx in advance Posted by MarkyMark on 04:02:2001 06:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by Azn Bomber How do you other players build meter with him to start up his Orbs? I've heard about Omega Red as a battery, but his assists aren't that helpful and when I play Omega, I find without Cable/Cyc, he just isn't as effective. (IMO) A battery character really isn't necessary. I find it rather superfluous, actually, as Strider can build meter for himself as he goes - he's incredibly quick. If you must have a battery, Omega Red is good (usually, just play him to the death). Also, some people like to use Doom/Strider/Blackheart and build meter with Doom/Blackheart trap, then DHC from Photons to Orbs, and go right into the trap. Again, to me it's all unnecessary and tedious, but it might serve you better. quote: Also, the Strider/Doom trap is to be played patiently right? I sometimes play him way too agressively and getting him killed early (meaning I either lose or have some big catching up to do in the match). [Anyone else have this problem?] In most cases, I find it best to play Strider incredibly offensively. Constantly teleport, constatly call Doom, fill the screen with sword slashes and animals and Orbs. You've just gotta be more careful against Cable (just because AHVB is always a small threat - right?), and Sentinel, because he can opt to take some Orbs in exchange for a free HP or Drones. quote: So throughout the match, what is your main focus of using Strider (everything besides the lockdown)? Building meter and spending it. Stay on top of the guy as much as you can. If you're successful, even Magneto can have huge problems getting away. quote: Also, what are some good strats to use against Cable? I haven't had a chance to test out 3pwood's Bird --> Orbs strat, but it looks to me that it should work. Try and keep Strider and Doom on opposite sides of Cable as much as possible. When in that position, Cable can't do much of anything. Also, if you preempt Orbs with a Bird, the Bird flies over the general trajectory of AHVB (I assume it can be aimed up to kill the bird) and hits Cable in the face - yum. quote: Finally, what's some good characters to throw into the Strider/Doom trap? This team lacks an AAA, which is almost essential, unless one would like to get raped by Mags and Storms. For the most rounded version, either Blackheart or CapCom are suggested. They allow the vertical range necessary to keep Storm pinned down. Blackheart does add a lot more to the gameplay after Strider, but as far as simply working in favor of Strider, CapCom is better - it's a decision you'll have to make. If your Strider tends to die soon anyway, you might go with Blackheart for extended dexterity. If your Strider rocks, I say go with CapCom. CapCom also helps Doom get rid of pests like Magneto and rushing Storm. Psylocke's not particularly great, because she doesn't add to the team's vertical range, doesn't add much to Doom's game, and doesn't make use of the other two's assists. Maybe if you're fighting a mean Magneto, and you need something quick with invincibility frames... But really, CapCom's better for this. Psylocke is usually used to set up combos, and Strider's are too weak to worry about. Hope that helped. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:02:2001 06:32 AM: Forgot, oughtta be careful around Juggernaut, too. Super Armor and Headcrush don't mix well with Strider, and a power up glitch is a big "Sayonara" Mr. Hiryu. Posted by Azn Bomber on 04:02:2001 01:53 PM: Thanx for the help. Now to put all this new info to the play test Posted by on 04:02:2001 02:07 PM: Magneto, Storm, Psylocke, and Cammy play excellent battery, they all have useful OTGs, linked super combos, and good hold-their-own ability. Posted by 3pwood on 04:02:2001 07:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Azn Bomber I haven't had a chance to test out 3pwood's Bird --> Orbs strat, but it looks to me that it should work. Not really mine. It's sort of standard. Also works to prevent Typhoon XX HailStorm, and just generally to keep anyone pinned to the ground during the orbs startup. -Threepwood Posted by DavestA on 04:02:2001 08:34 PM: ya my strider took COMPLETELY SUCKS ASS, so can someone PLZ explain to me exactly why the strider doom team is so good, i mean i have played vs. it numerous times but i cant seem to do it myself, cuz i never break his guard he just blocks the whole. does anyone really understand how to prevent this? Posted by MarkyMark on 04:02:2001 08:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by DavestA ya my strider took COMPLETELY SUCKS ASS, so can someone PLZ explain to me exactly why the strider doom team is so good, i mean i have played vs. it numerous times but i cant seem to do it myself, cuz i never break his guard he just blocks the whole. does anyone really understand how to prevent this? The team is so good because it causes damage to any team, has no inherent weaknesses within the top tier (and even most of the second tier), and basically impossible to defend against without Ken or Cammy AAA. You say you're having trouble breaking their guard... This should not be a problem for the reason that the entire goal of the duo Strider/Doom is to keep the guy blocking. Doom is there to cause the damage - his assist, when blocked, does about 10% damage. You really don't need to worry about breaking their guard. When I start the trap, and come down on the guy with HP from a teleport, I'll throw in a quick crouching WK when I land - if it connects, I combo, if it doesn't (and it usually doesn't) I just continue with the trap. You've just been approaching the team with the wrong frame of mind. You want them to block. They eat inevitable damage, which is why Strider/Doom is so effective. Posted by Azn Bomber on 04:02:2001 08:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by DavestA ya my strider took COMPLETELY SUCKS ASS, so can someone PLZ explain to me exactly why the strider doom team is so good, i mean i have played vs. it numerous times but i cant seem to do it myself, cuz i never break his guard he just blocks the whole. does anyone really understand how to prevent this? It's good because without the right assists, your opponent should fall to a well played Strider/Doom trap. The focus is to build up meter and then when the time is right, you lock them down with the Orbs and Doom. Repeating the process over and over is highly effective because it causes heavy chip damage and leaves Strider safe. Also, remember that Strider can rebuild meter while in his Orbs, extending the trap, meaning a LOT of chip damage. Posted by Azn Bomber on 04:03:2001 03:19 AM: By the way, if i'm using Cap Com as my AAA. How do I play him as the active character? He can't win by playing keep away (compared to Cable, Iceman, BH, etc.) and his up close fighting isn't the best either. Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 04:03:2001 03:22 AM: all u need to do the abuse his fire ball thing...cause it has long reach...but then if CapCom was u're last guy left u're probelly gonna lose...dunno if that helped Posted by Azn Bomber on 04:03:2001 04:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by WhiTe ReFlection all u need to do the abuse his fire ball thing...cause it has long reach...but then if CapCom was u're last guy left u're probelly gonna lose...dunno if that helped His fireball can be easily punished by a good player. It has it's uses, but not highly abusable. (Jack, stop giving people garbage advice just to increase your post count!) Posted by Hero on 04:03:2001 05:11 AM: Hey, how about we trade? Someone explain the Strider/Doom trap again (I saw it before, but didn't quite understand it) and I'll give a few CapCom pointers! =) With CapCom, it IS hard to get any damage done, but you can play keepaway. Since there's too much lag after his fireball, do a tigerknee motion fireball. He lifts up, hits the move, and the after lag isn't as bad. but for the most part this is used if the other guy is practically asleep. Rely more on his anti-air, since block or no block, it will push back any attacker. And when it does hit it gets good damage. Or if you're feeling gutsy, go for,, c.hp, qcf + kk. The electric shock off his hp stuns guys JUST ENOUGH that you can get the super in. But the timing has to be spot on. Not sure if it can be mashed out of either. I can't come up with much more at the moment. Sure CapCom isn't the best guy to put on point, but he can be utilized. Plus if Strider/Doom get low, you can always call Cap in so they can get life back. Doing this means the benefit of Doom's AAA while CapCom's onscreen. Posted by Azn Bomber on 04:03:2001 06:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Hero Or if you're feeling gutsy, go for,, c.hp, qcf + kk. His Cr.LKx2, Cr.HP doesnt' connect because he's just a step away from connecting the super. Do Cr. LK --> Cr. HP --> Kick Super This connects 100% of the time. The main prob with Cap Com is he's usually the last character to fight and by himself. He also does a lousy job by himself. (unlike characters like Storm, who can hold their own really well). I was just wondering on how to maximize his last efforts. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:03:2001 06:47 AM: Can't help much with CapCom point... I just picked him up a week ago... I could help with Blackheart, though . Been playing him for months. Hero, here's the general pattern I repeat for the trap: 1) Teleport behind guy, and drop with HP (and call Doom) 2) Land, and teleport immediately to the other side 3) Bird XX Orbs 4) Teleport close to opponent 5) Dash, WP, dash, WP, dash, WP until Orb meter gets to 10% 6) Call Doom 7) Teleport behind opponent (Orbs ends now), and drop with HP 8) Dash, WP, WK, WP, WK, HP, HK XX Bird XX Orbs 9) And repeat Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 04:03:2001 11:31 AM: Being the "self-proclaimed" resident expert on strider/doom I was about to write up a big thing about how to do it and how I've posted this damn thing 57985327 times but I decided not to. Personally I don't really play that team anymore, I think it's kind of a waste. Strider/Doom is pretty much the BEST combo in the game IF you play it perfectly. The problem is theres to much room for error and one little screw up can cost you striders life due to his puny stamina. Thats why I think there aren't that many placing strider/doom teams at tourneys despite the team's incredible power. People like duc/valle prefer to play a more reliable team that leaves more room for error. Not to mention the fact that playing a perfect game requires quite a bit of concentration and after a few matches I get lazy/bored and can't keep up a perfect trap which sometimes might cause me to lose. That's my 2 cents, this trap is good, damn good but it's too much effort imo for a team that's only slightly better than top-tier keepaway teams. Posted by Azn Bomber on 04:03:2001 03:47 PM: Also, when is it a good time to use your Orbs Super? Posted by tommy on 04:03:2001 04:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Smellypants Being the "self-proclaimed" resident expert on strider/doom I was about to write up a big thing about how to do it and how I've posted this damn thing 57985327 times but I decided not to. Why not? It would be great to have a little faq of it. Posted by KusanagiClan on 04:03:2001 10:47 PM: Ok, this isn't my own strategy, I saw a friend use this. With commando as point he rushed in and did some chain combos, called doom, and did that little ninja guy that does a downwards chop, dashed in again and repeat. It is easily pushblockable, not exactly the best strategy, but commando isn't exactly the best character. I have a question of my own though...on an ideal round of the strider/doom trap, how many supers should you use up for the orbs? The best I've done has been probably around 5 cycles or so, I had to have probably around 3-4 supers to start with. Is this as efficient as possible, or can it be done with less supers. Posted by Jonstar! on 04:03:2001 11:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by tommy Why not? It would be great to have a little faq of it. Yea, it'd help me out a lot too! Posted by Pastries on 04:04:2001 07:23 AM: i just wanna say thanks to the author of this topic and to markymark for his good tips and helpfulness. thanks doods. Posted by mirage on 04:04:2001 07:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by MarkyMark 1) Teleport behind guy, and drop with HP (and call Doom) 2) Land, and teleport immediately to the other side 3) Bird XX Orbs 4) Teleport close to opponent 5) Dash, WP, dash, WP, dash, WP until Orb meter gets to 10% 6) Call Doom 7) Teleport behind opponent (Orbs ends now), and drop with HP 8) Dash, WP, WK, WP, WK, HP, HK XX Bird XX Orbs 9) And repeat just a note on continuity...when i play strider trap i have trouble during step between hp/bird/orbs, opponent almost always manages to sneak in a high priority aaa that stops my i doing something wrong? should doom be dropped as orbs are ending rather than as much as 10% before? Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 04:04:2001 09:28 AM: If theres enough intrest I'll take an hour or two and write a big end it all strider/doom all questions answered FAQ and post it up here or on gamefaqs. If it means that this tired old topic will finally be put to rest I think it might be worth my time. Would appreciate some feedback. Posted by Pastries on 04:04:2001 09:55 AM: go for it mr.pants. Posted by Nate X Grey on 04:04:2001 12:55 PM: I've been playing around with Strider/Doom the past month or so and this seems to be the tightest sequence I can find for mid-screen. And no, I am not playing Strider/Doom competively. I'm still a major Magneto freak. Start orbs any way you desire, dash in s.lp(repeat). Until the timer almost reaches the "T" on "time", lk+Doom, mk, teleport above and behind while Doom appears and drop with a hp. Land, lp, mp(or lk, mk), call dog, do orbs when the dogs hit. There's basically almost no gap for even an AAA to come out. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:04:2001 07:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by mirage just a note on continuity...when i play strider trap i have trouble during step between hp/bird/orbs, opponent almost always manages to sneak in a high priority aaa that stops my i doing something wrong? should doom be dropped as orbs are ending rather than as much as 10% before? Ah, yes, can be a problem. If my opponent has an AAA and I anticipate that he'll call him during that gap, I usually throw a dog instead of a bird. The dog usually knocks out the AAA. Actually, though, in most cases, against most AAAs, that string ending with HP, HK pushes my Strider far enough back that AAAs whiff. I think Cyclops might hit, but the dog should be able to hit him. Any input from guys who go to arcades more often? Does a Strider dog hit Cyclops? If that doesn't work, try teleporting after the string ending with HP, HK to the other side of the guy and drop with HP, land, Bird XX Orbs. If you dodged their AAA as you anticipated, then the assist will be recovering while you start again. I've really got to get to the arcade some time... It's been almost two months! quote: Originally posted by Pastries i just wanna say thanks to the author of this topic and to markymark for his good tips and helpfulness. thanks doods. Absolutely elated to be of service. Posted by zz on 04:05:2001 05:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Smellypants If theres enough intrest I'll take an hour or two and write a big end it all strider/doom all questions answered FAQ and post it up here or on gamefaqs. If it means that this tired old topic will finally be put to rest I think it might be worth my time. Would appreciate some feedback. Me and all my friends around here will be grateful to you for all the eternity Is that enough feedback? Seriously, all my neighborhood wil love it because our striders are trash. Please do it, buddy! Posted by Fraptree on 04:05:2001 07:34 AM: Mr. Smellypants. Please do the Strider/Doom Trap Faq. Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:06:2001 06:43 AM: PLEAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE. strider/doom/whoever and mags/psy/cable are my main teams! All times are GMT. The time now is 11:21 PM. Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.